Program Reports

Program Reports


Establishment of child friendly nutrition site report September 24 1.60 MB 0 downloads

ACRIF is implementing a comprehensive nutrition program in Somaliland, designed...

Cooking Demonistration Report June 24 2.09 MB 2 downloads

ACRIF is implementing a comprehensive nutrition program in Somaliland, designed...

Kitchen Garden Farm Kits Distribution 1,000.81 KB 9 downloads

The kitchen garden initiative was conceived as a response to the growing concern...

Cooking Demonistration Report March 24 1.53 MB 0 downloads

ACRIF is currently implementing a UNICEF-funded nutrition project titled “Support...

Better Nutrition Project in Burao A Semi-Annual Review Report 4.23 MB 27 downloads

Child malnutrition remains a significant public health concern in many developing...

Semi-annoul review meeting Report March 24 3.43 MB 6 downloads

ACRIF, founded in 2008 and headquartered in Hargeisa, Somaliland, is currently leading...

Semi-annoul review meeting report September 23 961.73 KB 1 downloads

ACRIF current implementing UNICEF funded nutrition project in Togdheer and Sahil...

Establishment of child friendly nutrition site report August 23 1.61 MB 2 downloads

ACRIF is currently implementing effective program which is Support scale-up of preventative...

Project support Scale-up Of Preventative and Curative Nutrition Services for Children and Women in Togdheer and Sahil Regions of Somaliland 1.32 MB 1 downloads

ACRIF current implementing UNICEF funded nutrition project in Togdheer and Sahil...

Establishment of child friendly nutrition site report March 23 1.55 MB 0 downloads

ACRIF is currently implementing effective program which is Support scale-up of preventative...